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Home Offices: They're Here to Stay

Employees working remotely has been on the rise for a while, but absolutely exploded when the pandemic hit and forced many companies to jump on board. Throughout the world, 16% of all companies are completely remote, but around 62% of employees (aged 22-65) say they work remotely at least occasionally. Employees want a better work-life balance in addition to more freedom and flexibility in their day-to-day schedules, which is why almost every person surveyed would like to have the option to work from home at the least.

Over the past five years, the number of people who work from home has risen by 140%, a trend that will continue as the United States shifts to a “working-from-home” economy, according to Nicholas Bloom from Stanford, who conducted a survey about working from home in the US. While there are many pros to working remotely, including reported improved productivity, there are also cons, such as internet capacity and technology available. One of the biggest hurdles is workspace. More than 50% of the people that were surveyed said that their workspace was either in shared rooms or their own bedrooms.

Most current homes were not designed with this shift in mind. New home floor plans will trend towards including offices or flex spaces in many of them, as those spaces become a must for most Americans. Other features that will be incorporated are large windows, to allow for good air flow and light, and built-ins for more storage. Offices should include direct internet connection capabilities (at least CAT5E or newer) and may even start to include smart home hubs to boost whole home wireless connections.

For those that aren’t planning on changing addresses any time soon, there are some creative solutions that can be executed in your current home. Converting a spare bedroom into an office is one of the simplest solutions. Finishing your basement to incorporate a flex space or office has been another popular option. Some non-conventional alternatives include transforming a closet or nook into a desk/work area or creating a “built-in” desk/storage area in larger hallways. When creating a home office, there are a few components to consider. Think about how you like to work and choose a space that will have minimal distractions and high motivation potential.

Because this is a space you will be spending considerable time in, the design is just as important as the location. Selecting a color that inspires and motivates you has been proven to effect mood and productivity. Maybe a bright yellow or a calming grey? If either of those sound perfect, check out Pantone’s colors of the year (Illuminating and Ultimate Gray). Natural light is also a large factor in work environment, so select a space with an abundance of it, if possible. Even though natural light is key, having a good source of task lighting is just as vital. There are so many different options on the market for LED desktop lamps or even dimmable ceiling mounted lights. Lighting (or lack thereof) can radically affect your exhaustion levels so set yourself up for success with the best solutions for how you work.

The furniture you choose will be critical as well! Make an investment in your furniture (remember, it’s tax deductible). A great desk and chair go a long way for productivity; pick items that are spacious enough and ergonomic, yet beautiful – you’ll thank yourself later! Organization is also crucial for an effective workspace so incorporate a rack or shelving system that will help keep your workspace clean and organized. Utilize the space efficiently and make sure the space serves you! Give yourself something beautiful to look at – a window is ideal but if that isn’t possible, hang your favorite pieces of art above your screen. Provide the space with a feeling of layered depth and comfort by featuring some knick-knack items that suite your style throughout the office space. Whether you wrap your bulletin board in a luxurious fabric or frame your kiddo’s famous artwork for a sense of warmth, or you include a special photo or quote for added motivation, make your office work for you!

With a fundamental societal shift in how we work, home offices are here to stay! Make sure your space provides daily motivation and comfort!

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